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Call for Directors & Artistic Personnel

Scarborough Theatre Guild is accepting applications for DIRECTORS for its 2024-2025 Season.


a psychological mystery by Agatha Christie – Concord Theatricals

Show Dates:  September 13 – 28, 2024


A Pantomime by Lina M Blue and Johnny Blue
Show Dates:  December 6 – 21, 2024


a comedy by Mark Crawford – Marquis Entertainment

Show Dates:  March 7 – 22, 2025


a comedy by Neil Simon – Concord Theatricals

Show Dates:  May 30 – June 14, 2025

A guide for applications and a description of these shows from our season brochure is attached.

If interested in directing any of these plays, or to discuss the plays and their unique challenges, please contact Len Henderson via e-mail at  or phone during the day at  905 655-3605.

The application period closes March 31, 2024.

Director Application Guidelines

To apply, please prepare and submit the following items:

A cover letter stating your interest

A current resume highlighting relevant experience

Names and contact information of two arts-related references, for example, theatre groups for which you have worked previously

By email: to the Committee Chair:

or by mail to:  Scarborough Theatre Guild

Cedar Heights P.O. Box 55530, 629 Markham Road

Scarborough, ON   M1H 2A4

Email is the most efficient way to apply.

Deadline to apply: March 31, 2024

Interview dates and times will be determined by the Hiring Committee and will likely occur in the first week of April 2024. You will be contacted with your scheduled appointment.

Additional notes:

Scarborough Theatre Guild is a Community Theatre organization – non-union/non-paying

Scarborough Theatre Guild is a volunteer organization and we do not provide honorariums

Director Proposal Criteria

For your interview, please prepare a proposal describing your understanding of the play and how it will be realized in the production. The interviews will take place in person at the Guild’s rehearsal unit.

The Hiring Committee asks that you please email a copy of your proposal, prior to your interview. This will provide the committee an opportunity to review and prepare appropriate questions. The copy also proves to be most helpful during the committee’s deliberations. The committee asks that you please be brief and concise – 3 to 4 pages should suffice.

Please be sure to cover the following topics in your proposal:

What is your concept of the play? What style/period do you intend to present?

What is your perception of the characters? How will this impact casting decisions?

How do you structure your auditions? Callbacks?

How do you structure your rehearsals? How soon do you want actors off-book? How many full runs do you plan to hold prior to move-in to the theatre?

What is your vision of the set, props, sound and/or lighting? What challenges (if any) do you foresee in these areas?

What is your vision of costumes, hair and make-up?

Are you familiar with our rather unique thrust stage? How do you intend to take advantage of this space?

Is there anything in your concept for the production that may require special arrangements or costs? Ex., fight coordinator, revolving gobos, shattering windows, etc.

Do you have a favoured producer, stage manager, or other position person that you like to work with? If so please identify them to the committee.

Do you have any commitments that would conflict with rehearsal or show dates?

Copies of the director job description and audition policy are available by request. Play synopses are appended  below.

The interview is 20 minutes total which includes a 10-minute presentation and 10 minutes for questions from the hiring committee.

Play Synopses

Appointment with Death, by Agatha Christie      – September 2024

Assorted travellers find themselves thrown together on an expedition to the rose red city of Petra. At the centre of the group are Mrs. Boynton and her three stepchildren who never leave her side. This apparent devotion however is actually a façade for something far more sinister. The children struggle to free themselves from the grasp of a tyrannical woman. This chilling play offers a unique twist on the usual murder mystery.

9 M, 7 F, some doubling opportunity

The Emperor’s New Clothes, by Lina M Blue & Johnny Blue – December 2024

This pantomime is the age-old story of the emperor who gets taken in by a fraudster who sells him a set of clothes that can “only be seen by those who are of high worth and intelligence”. Add in a hero who has a change of heart in order to win the girl of his dreams, a villain and his two imbecilic side-kicks, and of course, the pantomime horse and all the makings are there for a fun time. Cheer the hero, boo the villain, HAVE FUN!

5 M , 7 F, 1 Pantomime Horse (2 persons)

The Birds and the Bees, by Mark Crawford – March 2025

The Birds and the Bees is a laugh-out-loud comedy with a huge, honeyed heart.

Gail, a beekeeper, concerned with her decreasing bee population, has little time for the woes of her daughter, Sarah, a turkey farmer who has just left her cheating husband, and even less time for her tenant farmer, Earl, who has a free-wheeling attitude toward sex and relationships. Add to this fractious mix Ben, a young, athletic university student also keen on understanding bee populations, and everyone is about to get a big lesson in pollination…if you know what we mean!

2 M, 2 F

The Odd Couple, by Neil Simon – May-June 2025

Everybody knows opposites attract, but can they stand each other in the long run? Felix, neat-obsessed and suddenly single, comes to live with his polar opposite – Oscar, slovenly and long-time divorced. Enjoy the laughs as each man discovers exactly why the other was kicked out by his wife.  Neil Simon’s brilliant writing made this a well-loved play, movie and sitcom.

6 M, 2 F

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