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$50,000 OTF Grant Gives Community Theatre Help!

Scarborough, ON – In the fall of 2021, Scarborough Music Theatre was the recipient of a $50,000 Community Building Fund – operating grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation. The grant was provided to aid in making capital improvements to our rehearsal unit and workshop to help us continue providing theatre productions and youth programs in a safe and modern environment and to help us weather the financial storm while we were unable to provide our programming due to COVID restrictions.

Scarborough Music Theatre is the only community organization – professional or otherwise – providing live musical theatre to the 700,000+ residents of Scarborough. Our area of Scarborough is very diverse with many low-income families. Our programs are affordable, community-convenient, and family-friendly. We produced three full scale productions annually for 59 years prior to COVID. And our theatre arts centered youth programming which includes a mainstage youth production and a series of arts camps provided critical life education in communications and empathy. We will be expanding our programming to include some scholarships to the local youth in the next year.

This investment by the Ontario Trillium Foundation has allowed us to install air purifiers in our rehearsal unit and make much needed updates to the equipment in our workshop. We will be installing air conditioning units in the spring so that our summer Youth Programs can expand and continue. Overall, these funds will be a huge and much appreciated aid in allowing Scarborough Music Theatre to continue bringing quality musical theatre and youth programming to the community for another 60 years.

If you wish to enquire about our youth program, volunteering with our group on stage or off (no experience necessary) or joining us for some musical theatre, please visit our website at for more information.

The Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) is an agency of the Government of Ontario, and one of Canada’s leading granting foundations. Last year, nearly $112M was invested into 1,384 community projects and partnerships to build healthy and vibrant communities and strengthen the impact of Ontario’s non-profit sector. In 2020/21, OTF supported Ontario’s economic recovery by helping non-profit organizations rebuild and recover from the impacts of COVID-19. Visit to learn more.

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